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Why Your e-commerce Needs a Single Sign-On?
The average user has at least a dozen separate accounts on various websites and applications: one, two or more email accounts, a Google account, Facebook and LinkedIn accounts, an account on an online bidding/marketplace platform, online banking account, an account for music and video streaming services... That's quite a lot. If shopping in your online store requires them to create yet another account, you risk frustrating them and making them do their shopping somewhere else. How can you avoid it? By implementing a Single Sign-On solution. What is it, what are its advantages, and when and how should you implement it? Read on to find out!
Paweł Kiełt
SKU code - The secret to effective product management in eCommerce
An SKU (ang. Stock Keeping Unit), is a key term in the world of e-commerce. In short, it is a unique identifier for each product or service available for purchase. It is not just a string of characters, but often a compendium of information that differentiates similar products based on attributes such as size or color.
Michał Kloczkowski
10 Most Common Mistakes When Creating an Online Store
Do you want to start selling your products online? This is undoubtedly a great idea – people are more and more willing to buy online. E-commerce in Poland alone is developing dynamically and having your own eStore simply pays off – especially now, in the coronavirus pandemic and with the restrictions it has brought. In 2019 the eCommerce in Poland alone was worth over 15 billion USD and accounted for 11 percent of its retail market. According to estimates, this year the Polish eCommerce will grow by as much as 26 percent compared to last year – but we can assume that the final increase may surprise even the experts (source: PMR and
Michał Kloczkowski
For most significant players, e-commerce today means not only selling through their own online store but also on numerous marketplace platforms, including the biggest ones like Amazon, Allegro, or eBay, as well as emerging ones like Erli, Kaufland, or Otto.